Power Generation Increased by 93% – GenCos

  • The increment took place over 7 years
  • GenCos bemoan the sectors inefficiencies
  • GenCo investment has not yielded revenue

The Association of Power Generation Companies (APGC) in its Annual Magazine claims that Generation Companies (GenCos) increased power generation by  93% since the privatisation in 2013. In the magazine, the GenCos list poor Transmission network infrastructure, inability of Distribution Companies (DisCos) to take energy generated as reasons for the poor performance in the sector.

The GenCos said, “The supply growth from the takeover date of 1st November, 2013, to date shows that available generation capacity which was 4,214.32MW, has increased by 93.27 per cent to 8,145MW (as Gencos recovered 3,930.68MW).

“In total, due to the combined technical incapacitation of TCN and the Discos, the Gencos are unable to deploy a total of 3,000MW of capacity that would ensure sustainable profitable operations”, the magazine stated.

Speaking on the impact of these inadequacies on the generation, the GenCos said, “Idle generation represents capital investment not able to yield revenue that will hence impact the ability of the Gencos to support efficient operations and service loans used in developing the power plants”.

The GenCos have urged the government to do all it can to deal with the problems of the sector.

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