Pre-Qualification Bids Open for Solar Plant in Togo

  • SALT launches the pre-qualification phase for constructing a solar PV plant at Lome airport.
  • The plant will have a capacity of 1.8MWp.

The management of Togo’s international airport- Société aéroportuaire de Lomé-Tokoin (SALT), has announced the launch of the pre-qualification phase for the construction and operation of a solar photovoltaic power plant at Lomé International Airport. The solar power plant will have a capacity of 1.8MWp.

Solar power solution providers interested in the Salt project have until June 6, 2022, to apply. “The provider will have to commit to the acceptance of the conditions of validation of the trial period of the solar photovoltaic power plant of three months renewable once during which the plant will have to generate a minimum saving on electricity bills of 25%,” says the manager of the airport of Lome.


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