Puerto Rico: Hurricane Fiona Disrupts Power Grid

  • The Governor, Pedro Pierluisi, said that the damage from the hurricane was catastrophic.
  • Luma energy is working to ensure full power Restoration on the island.


On Sunday, hurricane Fiona slammed the southwest coast of Puerto Rico, disrupting the power supply on the entire island. Large landslides leaving gullies, high floods from over flooded rivers sweeping through homes up to the first floor, airports runway, and destruction of the central Mountain bridge built after the damage of hurricane maria in 2017 have been typical scenes from this disaster. More than 1000 people have been rescued from the quickly rising floods.


The Governor, Pedro Pierluisi, said that the damage from the hurricane was catastrophic. According to reports, the storm carried sustained winds of 80mph as it moved north east. In a statement, Luma energy said that of 3 million clients, only about 100,000 had access to power on the island by Monday. However, the country had not fully recovered from the impact of Hurricane Maria in 2017, nor had Luma dealt with its  fragile grid with old equipment handed down from PREPA in June 2021. Luma has assured that total power restoration will take place in the coming days. Luma is also committed to improving the grid and transforming the electric system in Puerto Rico.

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