Raising the Bar

It is common in the track and field event, pole vaulting, that the bars are raised. The reason for the bars being raised is to encourage the athletes to do better, as like every competition is a measure of skills. The same can be said about the electricity sector, stakeholders can be encouraged towards raising the bar and doing better.

All arms of the Nigerian electricity sector are aware of the challenges faced in the industry. From Generation Companies (GenCos), the Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN), Distribution Companies (DisCos), electricity customers, and other agencies; everyone understands the sector is plagued with problems.

What if, though, all the stakeholders find a way to contribute to raising the bar, just like in pole vaulting. With electricity customers being educated on their rights and responsibilities and the other workings of the industry, it can be said that this would help customers be accountable.

Enlightenment of customers would also help hold other industry players up to their obligations; after all, the customers are the most important stakeholders. For example, when customers know their tariff band classifications and know how much they are supposed to pay, while also taking notes of their hours of electricity supply, they can hold DisCos responsible in any case of foul play.

The customers would invariably be raising the bar for the DisCos and encouraging the companies to perform better. Likewise, when customers know their responsibilities as buyers of electricity, they would also be raising the bar for themselves to act better to create a more favourable electricity market.

Raising the bar in the Nigerian electricity market, however, is going to be a collective effort as all the stakeholders would need to look out for each other, for the growth and development of the electricity sector.

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