REA Launches Africa Mini-grids Programme

  • The Rural Electrification Agency (REA) has officially launched Africa Mini-grids Programme. 
  •  The project will contribute to the attainment of Sustainable Development Goals. 

The Rural Electrification Agency (REA) has officially launched the four-year Africa Mini-grids Programme (AMP). The programme is funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and supported by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Nigeria, aimed at increasing energy access by promoting investments and increasing the financial viability of mini-grids. The launch had representatives from the UNDP, GEF, Federal Ministries of Power, Environment and Agriculture, and other critical stakeholders in the rural development space. 


The programme, active in 21 African Countries, will commence implementation following the launch by the REA in Nigeria. This project will contribute to the attainment of Sustainable Development Goals 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy), 13 (Climate Action) and 5 (Gender Equality), impacting about 70,063 directly with an estimated number of 34,559 female beneficiaries. In addition, the environmental impact will cover over 74.2 ktCO2e of emissions over the entire span of the project. 


Dr Sanusi Ohiare, The Executive Director, Rural Electrification Fund (REF), said the programme would deploy mini grids for rural electrification and agricultural value chains to enhance the viability of mini grids, increase energy access and create more opportunities for Nigerians. Also, At the launch, the UNDP Resident Representative in Nigeria, Mr Mohamed Yahya, said that access to reliable, sustainable, affordable energy remains a crucial component in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and essential for socio-economic growth. As part of the launch, the partners of the Africa Mini-grids Program; UNDP, RMI, and the GEF, will co-host an event at the United Nations 27th Climate Conference (COP27) scheduled for 7-18 November, at Sharm-el Sheikh, Egypt, with the theme “Africa’s Just Energy Transition: Scaling Up Renewable Energy Mini-grids for People and Planet”.  


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