Renewable Energy Developers to Watch Out for in 2022


Nigeria is said to be on a progressive path towards accelerating the deployment of clean energy solutions. Financing for projects and the number of projects announced have already reached new heights in the first half of 2022. This year clean energy developers have been selected to deploy projects under several schemes, including the All On/USADF’s Offgrid Energy Challenge, the REA’s Performance-Based Grant and Output-Based Fund components of the NEP, the Solar Power Naija Project, the Federal Government and Nigeria Energy Support programme’s Interconnected Mini-grid Acceleration Scheme (IMAS). As a result, there is set to be an exponential increase in the deployment of solar solutions this year.

In this article, we look at some of the companies set to benefit from the several funding initiatives as well as their plans for the year. These developers will likely shape Nigeria’s off-grid energy deployments in 2022.

  • GVE Projects: GVE is one of Nigeria’s foremost mini-grid developers. The company has developed projects in about nine states. It recently signed the IMAS grant. GVE, alongside REA and AEDC, had already developed an interconnected mini-grid in the Wuse market.

  • CeeSolar Energy: Won the All On/USADF grant and plans to deploy one mini-grid solar system in a rural community in Cross River State.

  • First Electric: Winner of the USADF/ All On grant. The company which provides EV charging stations is set to procure interconnected Okra Pods, standalone solar home systems, and multipurpose solar lanterns to cover households in Ondo State.
  • Havenhill Synergy Limited has deployed over four mini-grids in several communities in Abuja and Oyo states. It is currently pioneering a new structure for powering healthcare facilities through the electrification of 23 healthcare facilities under its Energizing Healthcare Initiative in partnership with USAID’s’’ Power Africa and USADF. It is also a winner of the IMAS grant.

  • A4&T Power Solutions Limited, famous for developing solar power plants to IDP camps, the utility plans to distribute 230 SHS. It is a benefactor of the IMAS Scheme and NEP-Output Based Fund.
  • Privida Power Limited, a renewable energy developer, has signed the NEP’s Performance-Based Grant to deploy solar hybrid mini-grid systems in 25 sites across Kogi, Nasarawa and Benue states.
  • Enercity Smart Grid is set to deploy off-grid solutions to unserved communities in Nigeria. It is a winner of the All On/ USADF grant.
  • Sosa-Protergia Joint Development Limited, alongside seven other companies, signed the FG-IMAS grant. The joint venture, which is a brainchild of Sosai and Protergia, will deploy its mini-grid in Kaura Namoda Emirate in Zamfara State.
  • ENGIE Energy Access signed a deal with REA for the rollout of Standalone Solar Systems under the Solar Naija programme. ENGIE boasts of electrifying about 50,000 customers and plans to provide energy access to another 50,000 this year.

  • Bboxx Energy Access signed an Output-Based Funds agreement with REA. The company is set to rollout Solar Homes Systems (SHS) for households and micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs)  in rural areas as part of Nigeria’s Electrification Project (NEP).

  • Okra Solar – Signed Output-Based Funding with the REA. Okra is set to deploy its mesh-grid solutions in Ondo and Kwara state for the SAO group. The company is also working with GetInvest EU to scale this project to 10,000 households.


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