Renewvia Energy Equips Niger Delta Households with Mini-grids

  • Renewvia energy provides electricity for five new communities.
  • The utility now serves over 10,000 individuals in the Niger Delta.

Global solar developer, Renewvia energy has installed and connected five new communities in the Niger Delta to one of its solar-powered, rural electrification mini-grids.

The five new communities, Balep, Bendeghe-Afi, Ekong Anaku, Opu, and Emeroke, are located in Cross River and Akwa Ibom States. Other communities already connected to a Renewvia mini-grid include Oloibiri and Akipelia in Bayelsa State and Obokwu Ozuzu in Rivers State and the Niger Delta region. Oloibiri is particularly interesting as it is the location where oil was first discovered in Nigeria and yet had no reliable and affordable power until Renewvia’s mini-grid enabled access to electricity.

The project is Renewvia’s execution of the Nigeria Electrification Project (NEP), sponsored by the Federal Government of Nigeria, through its Implementing Agency – Rural Electrification Agency (REA).

Renewvia Solar Nigeria Ltd. now serves over 10,000 individuals and businesses through thousands of metered connections in eight communities in the Niger Delta.




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