Renova Signs PPA For Clean Power Delivery 

  • Renova Inc has inked a power purchase agreement (PPA) for the delivery of direct current to Tokyo Gas Co Ltd
  • First Solar GK will deliver solar energy for a period of 20 years

Renova Inc, a Japanese renewable power producer, has inked a power purchase agreement (PPA) to deliver about 13 MW direct current from new solar plants directly to Tokyo Gas Co Ltd, a local natural gas utility in Japan. 

Based on the PPA, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Renova, First Solar GK, will deliver solar energy for 20 years. Renova announced this on Wednesday. 

Part of Tokyo Gas’ Renewable Energy Supply and Demand Coordination Service, the agreement covers new solar projects that will not benefit from the country’s feed-in-tariff (FiT) scheme but instead from the feed-in-premium (FiP) programme. 

Tokyo Gas said it would deliver the contracted power to its environmentally conscious customers.



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