Reps Urges Nigeria to Invest More in Renewables Sector

  • Reps say Nigeria must utilise its natural mineral deposits and resources for the renewables sector.
  • Nigeria urged to invest in technological developments to protect the environment.

The Chairman of the House of Representatives Committee on Renewable Energy, Hon. Afam Ogene, has said Nigeria must invest more intentionally in the renewable energy sector and technologies. Ogene noted that besides the need for clean energy, the growing conversation about sustainable development in every sphere of life, including corporate or governance structures and sectors, emphasises the need for Nigeria to invest more in the renewables sector.

Ogene, during the inauguration of the House Committee on Wednesday, noted that it was in recognition of the importance of renewable energy and technology that the leadership of the 10th Assembly established a committee to oversee its affairs. “What that implies is a new shift from what was – which was the fixation on Nigeria’s oil wealth and the ageing technology powered by obviously environmentally damaging fossil fuels,” he noted.

The lawmaker stressed that Nigeria must make concerted efforts to utilise the natural mineral deposits and resources God has endowed Nigeria with, adding, “He has also given us the wisdom, intellect and ingenuity to protect ourselves and our environment from harmful impacts of some of these resources, which we had relied upon to run our world. We have often abused them so that they become detrimental to us as humans and destructive agents to our environment.

“Records, research and science have all shown, evidentially, that fossil fuels are one of such friendly enemies of humanity. When we hear about climate change or the gradual but steady destruction of the ozone layer, we in this part of the world may not relate practically to such seeming “abstract conversations” that may not readily address our peculiar and immediate economic or socio-political challenges. But the world is changing, and we must not be left behind in taking actions to protect our environment and ensure that we invest in technological developments to better our tomorrow.”

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