Rights and Responsibilities of an Electricity Customer

There is an absolute need to know your rights and responsibilities as a DisCo customer. The Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) has made clear the privileges and duties of every customer to their respective DisCos. The following are five peak correlating rights and duties:

  • As a customer, you have a right to transparent electricity billing.
  • It is the right of the customer to be notified in writing ahead of disconnection of electricity service by the respective DisCo in adherence with NERC’s guidelines.
  • As an electricity customer, you have no responsibility in replacing or repairing electricity transformers, poles, and related equipment used in the supply of electricity.
  • In a situation where there is a complaint on electricity supply or billing issues, a customer has the right to relay this information to the nearest business unit of the DisCo serving the customer.
  • An un-metered customer who is debating his/her approximate bill has the right not to pay the bill in question but pay only the last undisputed bill as the contested bill goes through the dispute resolution process of NERC.

The duties of a customer include;

  • Customers are required to pay bills for electricity consumed.
  • As a customer, you are required to pay for electricity used within the set-out time frame.
  • Customers are obliged to be warm-hearted towards electricity workers.
  • Customers are expected to be observant towards the protection of electrical installations.
  • Finally, customers are obliged to inform the DisCo serving them of any outstanding electricity bill before moving into new premises.

Finally, these rights and duties are paramount to ensure a good relationship between a customer and the utility.

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