Rudong EVx Connects to China State Grid

  • Rudong EVx achieved China state grid interconnection in December 2023.
  • Energy Vault partners commenced construction on three additional grid-scale energy storage systems in China.

Switzerland-based Energy Vault Holdings Inc. updated on developments in China. The Rudong 25-MW/100-MWh EVx gravity-based energy storage system achieved China state grid interconnection inverse power operation in December 2023.

As the company said last week, once it obtains final provincial and state approvals for commercial operation to the state grid, the Rudong EVx will be the world’s first commercial, utility-scale, non-pumped hydrogravity energy storage system.

Energy Vault’s partners, China Tianying (CNTY) and Atlas Renewable have started constructing three more grid-scale gravity energy storage systems (GESS) in China, such as a 17-MW/68-MWh project in Zhangye City and a 25-MW/100-MWh system in Huailai Cunrui Town, Hebei Province.

China is building 468 MWh of Energy Vault’s GESS in Rudong out of 3.7 GWh announced by CNTY and Atlas Renewable. Each of these systems will generate project revenue royalties for Energy Vault.

The company also said that China’s National Energy Administration (NEA) recently classified the Rudong and Zhangye City systems as “new energy storage pilot demonstration projects,” which benefits them from increased management oversight by provincial-level energy authorities.

Energy Vault added that China’s energy policies require renewable energy plants. To help integrate storage equal to 20% of their generation capacity.

Energy storage durations are expected to increase over time, with at least a two- to four-hour duration. The Rudong project started commissioning in the second half of 2023. The grid interconnection process commenced in September 2023.

The final four-kilometre 35kV overhead power line was completed in September 2023. The structure was also capped in October 2023. They were marking the completion of the facility’s construction.

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