RWE Signs Concession for 1GW Wind Project in Germany

  •  RWE is set to deploy a 1GW offshore wind project
  • The firm will manage Denmark’s largest offshore wind farm under a 30-year PPA.

German energy giant RWE has signed a concession agreement with the Danish Energy Agency to construct a 1GW Offshore wind project on the Danish west coast. According to the energy group, in the agreement, RWE has been licensed to build and operate Denmark’s largest offshore wind farm for 30 years.

Upon project completion in 2027, the wind farm is expected to generate enough electricity to power over one million Danish households. It will be built without state aid and with investment costs estimated at USD 2.34 billion.
The Essen-based group secured the concession in a lottery draw at the beginning of December after more than one bidder offered to build the project at a minimum of USD 0.0015 per kWh.

This is the second offshore wind project for RWE in Denmark after its 20 per cent participation in the Rødsand 2 offshore wind farm south of the Danish island of Lolland. The 207MW park has been in operation since 2010.


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