SA Gov’t Withdraws Ministers Free Utility Access

  •  The intention behind the action was not nefarious. 
  • The DA gave Ramaphosa an ultimatum to retract the handbook,

Following the public outcry, The controversial clause that gave cabinet ministers and their deputies free access to electricity and water in South Africa has been withdrawn by President Cyril Ramaphosa. The President announced that the process of the presidential minute on the Executive Memebers’ guide, also known as the ministerial handbook of 2022 withdrawn, will be sent for review enforcing the 2019 version of the handbook for the duration.

The opposition party, the DA, and the union federation, Cosatu, called for the amendments to be scrapped, with the former approaching the office of the Public Protector over the apparent fact that no law provides for the handbook’s existence. The DA gave Ramaphosa an ultimatum to retract the handbook, or it would mobilise and march on ministers’ private residences in Pretoria, considering that the benefits given the leaders were insensitive in a period when the masses were having a hard time with the increasing cost of living and daily power cuts. 

Vincent Magwenya, The presidential spokesman acknowledged the public’s reactions to the issue. He referred to the ministerial handbook, which outlines ministerial benefits, will be “aligned to the realities that many South Africans face”. However, he added, “The intention was to try and find some form of balance between what ministers could afford versus some of the costs they have,” stressing that the intention behind the action was not nefarious. 

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