Sahel Nations Form Confederation, Pivot to Russia

  • Sahel nations formed a confederation and chose Russia over France.
  •  Ministers meet in Niamey to create the Sahel States Alliance.
  • Withdrawal from ECOWAS signals a shift towards regional security.

Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger have solidified plans to establish a confederation, opting to strengthen ties with Russia over France, as reported by Azernews. Their foreign ministers convened in Niamey to formalise the Confederation of the Alliance of Sahel States (AES).

During the meeting, they finalised the draft text, which was set to be adopted by the heads of state. It is happening at an upcoming summit, the date of which remains unspecified.

Malian Foreign Minister Abdoulaye Diop expressed confidence in the birth of the AES following discussions with General Abdourahamane Tiani, leader of Nigeria’s military regime. Burkina Faso’s Foreign Minister, Karamoko Jean-Marie Traore, was also present at the meeting.

This decision comes amid persistent jihadist violence in the Sahel region. The trio criticised France for its perceived failure to contain the threat.

The three countries withdrew from the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) in late January, alleging French influence in favour of establishing their regional bloc. This move marks a significant shift in the geopolitical landscape of the Sahel region and underscores the growing dissatisfaction with France’s approach to security in former colonies.

The formation of the AES represents a strategic alliance that addresses shared challenges and asserts greater autonomy in the face of regional security threats.

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