San Diego International Airport to Utilise 100% Clean Energy

  • San Diego International Airport will soon begin to utilise 100% clean energy.
  • The airport served 25m passengers in 2019.
  • The aviation industry (one of the largest emitters) is increasingly looking to become cleaner.

The San Diego International Airport (SAN) will soon begin utilising 100 per cent renewable energy in all of its operations as the San Diego Community Power (SDCP) has announced that it will provide 100 per cent renewable, 100 per cent carbon-free energy to the airport.

The airport is one of the busiest in the U.S., serving 25 million passengers in 2019. The SAN is also one of the leaders in sustainable energy integration as it is one of the first major airports in the country to institute sustainability policies.

In addition to airports, airlines are increasingly adopting cleaner policies. Last year, JetBlue announced that it had achieved carbon neutrality for all of its domestic flights, the first major airline in the U.S. to do so. The airline attributes its success to carbon offsetting and the adoption of sustainable fuel.

The entire aviation industry is looking to adopt sustainable practices. This is being reflected in recent technological investments and policies. For instance, Rolls-Royce plans to invest £80-million (US$110 million)  in the development of energy storage systems (ESS) for aircraft over the next ten years.

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