Scotland Approves Projects Enabling Offshore Wind Supply to Oil and Gas Platforms

  • Scotland has approved the ‘world’s first’ leasing round for offshore wind projects.
  • The 13 approved projects could secure around £262 million in applicant fees.

Scotland has approved the ‘world’s first’ leasing round for offshore wind projects directly supplying renewable electricity to oil and gas platforms.

Crown Estate Scotland has said the Innovation and Targeted Oil & Gas (INTOG) leasing process attracted investment in innovative offshore wind projects in Scottish waters, aiming to reduce emissions from the North Sea oil and gas sector and stimulate innovation in Scotland’s offshore wind sector.

Thirteen out of nineteen projects have been offered Exclusivity Agreements, and if successful, they will secure around £262 million in applicant fees.

Crown Estate Scotland’s Director of Marine, Colin Palmer, hailed the results of the INTOG leasing round as encouraging and practical for supporting innovation, reducing carbon emissions in the North Sea, and promoting technical and commercial innovation in offshore renewables.

Scotland’s Net Zero and Energy Secretary, Michael Matheson, also praised the milestone as a world-leading opportunity for Scotland’s energy transition towards becoming a renewables powerhouse.

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