Trina Solar to Launch New Distribution Facility in South Africa

Trina Solar plans a new distribution facility in South Africa. Trina is looking to expand in…

Enel Signs VPPA for Spanish Wind and Solar Projects

Enel has signed a VPPA with Johnson & Johnson. The energy supply will come from 104MW…

EDFI to Finance the Rollout of Solar Kits in Tanzania

EDFI Electrifi has invested €1.26m in Simusolar’s Tanzanian green bond. The funds will enable the increased…

R.Power to Co-Develop 80 MWp of Solar in Germany

  R.Power is set to co-develop several projects in Germany. The company plans to use proceeds…

GE to Supply Wind Turbine for Indian Wind Farm

  GE has been selected to provide onshore wind turbines for a wind farm in Gujarat.…

Citizens Look to Solar power in Rebel-Held Syria

  People in rebel-held Syria are turning to Solar to provide for their energy needs. Fuel…

EDP Acquires 28MW Solar Plant in Vietnam

EDP has acquired a 28MW solar plant in Vietnam. EDP plans to expand in Southeast Asia…

REDAVIA to Deploy Solar System at Nairobi Leisure Centre

  REDAVIA is set to install a carport mounted system at a leisure centre in Nairobi.…

Iberdrola Commissions 328MW Solar PV Plant in Spain

Iberdrola has commissioned a 328MW solar plant in Spain. ‘ The company is also building projects…

100 Youths Receive Solar Power Installation Training in Niger State

100 youth members receive solar installation training in Niger State. Training organised by a private citizen.…