NIGERIA: ANED Condemns Unapproved Eligible Customer Transactions

ANED condemns unapproved eligible customer transactions Calls the act illegal Denies colluding with the Commission to…

NIGERIA: IBEDC Losses ₦1.6 Billion to Capping of Estimated Billing

IBEDC losses ₦1.6 billion to capping of estimated billing Calls the regulation a disservice to the…

NIGERIA: Jos DisCo Records Millions in Losses Due to Vandalism

  JEDC records millions in losses due to vandalism Vandalism negatively impacts operations in the sector…

NIGERIA: National Grid Collapses

  National grid collapses EKEDC, KEDC issue statement This is the second collapse in one month…

NIGERIA: 10 DisCos Record ₦2 Trillion Losses Between 2013 and 2019

  10 DisCos record ₦2 trillion losses Losses recorded between 2013 and 2019 PHEDC fails to…

Turning a Blind Eye

With all the challenges befalling Nigerian citizens in the country, the federal government appears to have…

NIGERIA: BEDC Offers Discount to Customers on Outstanding Debt

  BEDC offers discounts to customers on payment on electricity bills Offers up to 25% on…

The Four Shades of Off-Grid Technologies

The ongoing challenges surrounding the supply and distribution of electricity in Nigeria call for immediate solutions,…

India’s Ministry of Power to Amend Rules for Electricity Sales to 3rd Party

The Ministry of Power proposes to amend rules Amendments will facilitate electricity sales to 3rd party…

Cardiff Residents Raise Concerns on Electromagnetic Fields

Cardiff residents raise concerns over electromagnetic fields Western Power Distribution plans to build a substation near…