REA Commissions Solar Systems in Two Health Facilities in Kogi

Two hospitals, two communities in the state, will benefit from stable, clean solar energy. The REF…

CrossBoundary Energy Access Open Sources their Project Financing Approach for Mini-Grids

Mini-grids are a new and disruptive way to achieve energy access. NAIROBI, Kenya, December 2, 2020,/…

REA, NIPC, MoP Launch One-Stop Investment Platform for Renewable Energy

  The platform was built by interagency cooperation between the REA, NIPC, FMoP and the NESP.…

GAMBIA – Kiang Community Connected to Electricity After 50 years

Kiang community now has access to electricity This is in line with the Electricity Expansion Project…

REA Organises Workshop Ahead of REF’s Second Call

The workshop was organised to prepare the bidders for REF’s second call for bidders. The REF…

AfDB to Provide $120m Financing for Tanzania hydropower plant

The 50MW hydropower plant will be constructed in Western Tanzania and will provide power to about…

Solar, Solution to Africa’s Declining Electricity Access – IEA

Around 13 million more people in sub-Saharan Africa did not have access to electricity this year,…

REA, ACOB to Commission 100kWp Mini-Grid in Ogun State

The project is financed via a public-private partnership between the REA via its Rural Electrification Fund…

Africas’ Solar Photovoltaic Capacity Set to Rise this Decade

Africa Solar PV capacity could rise to 600GW by 2030 according to a report by Becquerel…

Siemens: The Hope for Africa

Siemens has successfully delivered a gas turbine as part of its 65MW combined cycle power plant…