USA: Oregon’s Green Hydrogen Project Cost Could Skyrocket

The costs of producing hydrogen are far greater than electrifying homes. Utility watchdogs claim the costs…

SA Gov’t slammed as Ministers Access Utilities Free

Load shedding is said to be a key contributor to GDP decline The ministers have the…

Sierra Leone: First Commercial Solar and Battery System Commissioned

Sierra Leone to cut carbon emissions and enhance sustainable forestry The renewable energy system will be…

The Stumbling Blocks to Renewable Energy Adoption in Nigeria

There is a global shift from fossil-based electricity generation to renewable energy to attain global goals…

EGYPT: Actis Looks into Green Hydrogen Market

Actis signs MoU with the Egyptian government. Actis considers the development of the green hydrogen market…

Rise Light & Power Proposes Giga Wind Project

3.9 GW offshore wind transmission project proposed by Rise Light & Power A proposition for about…

FlexGen Launches C&I Product for Meter Applications

The firm has developed a new product to manage power quality. FlexGen, a US battery energy…

Clean Energy Remains Competitive- IRENA

The cost of electricity from onshore wind and solar photovoltaic (PV) fell by 15% and 13%,…

Key Features of a Just Energy Transition for Africa 

Energy Transition is not only an environmental issue but also a social one. The impacts transitioning…

Mackenzie Estimates Huge Hydrogen Demand from Oil and Gas Industry

The global refining industry could create 50 million tonnes of hydrogen demand annually. Wood Mackenzie has…