1.5°C or 2°C: The Different Levels of Global Warming

The Paris Agreement signed by nations in 2015 aimed to limit the global average temperature rise…

[COP26] Togo Requires $2.6 Million to Reduce its Emissions by 30% by 2030

Togo aims to cut global emissions by 30 per cent in 2030 In 2020, the country’s…

NIGERIA: Do Not Solve Climate Change With Energy Crisis – Buhari

President Buhari calls on world leaders to seek a climate solution that does not cause an…

U.K. to Focus 30% of Investment on Climate Financing

The UK plans to focus 30% of its investment on climate financing. The financing plan will…

Global Energy Demand Surpasses Pre-Pandemic Levels

Global energy demand surges Surpasses pre-pandemic levels 61% global electricity sourced from fossil fuels in 2020…

G7 Agree to Meet $100bn Climate Finance Pledge

G7 leaders agree to provide $100b annually to combat climate change in developing countries. The group…

Investment Group Calls on G7 Leaders to Take More Climate Action

Investor group want governments to take more climate action. The group includes 3rd largest asset manager…

Global Wind Deployments Must Triple to To Achieve Net Zero

According to the GWEC, the installation of new wind power must triple over the next ten…

20% of World’s Top 2,000 Firms Now Committed to Net-Zero Emissions

One in five of the world’s 2,000 largest public companies have committed to net-zero emissions. These…

JBS Foods Converts Animal Byproducts into Aviation Fuel in Brazil

Brazilian meat processing giant JBS Foods uses animal byproducts to create aircraft fuel. This initiative aims…