The Changing Role of Gas in the Global Energy Landscape

The world is currently seeing an increase in gas demand. Growing energy demands following the resumption…

Build Back Better World to Launch with 50 Global Projects

Biden’s “Build Back Better World” initiative has begun scouting for global projects. The initiative aims to…

1.5°C or 2°C: The Different Levels of Global Warming

The Paris Agreement signed by nations in 2015 aimed to limit the global average temperature rise…

[COP26] Togo Requires $2.6 Million to Reduce its Emissions by 30% by 2030

Togo aims to cut global emissions by 30 per cent in 2030 In 2020, the country’s…

Clean Energy; A Gateway to Global Economic Recovery

Following the devastating effects of climate change,  and the need to divest from pollution-causing sources, the…

Global Energy Demand Surpasses Pre-Pandemic Levels

Global energy demand surges Surpasses pre-pandemic levels 61% global electricity sourced from fossil fuels in 2020…

Should Africa Pay the Price for Global Energy Transition?

The world is gradually making the push for cleaner and sustainable sources of energy. While countries…

Global Wind Deployments Must Triple to To Achieve Net Zero

According to the GWEC, the installation of new wind power must triple over the next ten…

20% of World’s Top 2,000 Firms Now Committed to Net-Zero Emissions

One in five of the world’s 2,000 largest public companies have committed to net-zero emissions. These…

Avflight Mesa Debuts Sustainable Aviation Fuel

Avflight Mesa, in a strategic partnership with Avfuel Corporation, has officially launched the availability of sustainable…