Koïca Finances Trainings in energy efficiency

The “Capacity Building of Local Authorities in Energy Efficiency” initiative in Morocco is financially supported by…

New South Wales Acquires 17GW of Proposals to Deploy Renewable Energies

NSW receives new applications for 17GW of renewable energy and storage projects. The Australian state of…

The Next Big Thing in Clean Energy

Countries are increasingly looking for clean technology to meet their energy needs. Several countries and organisations…

What Better Time to Discuss Africa’s Energy Transition Than Now!

  Africa lags in energy access globally. About 640 million people remain without energy access. It…

Energy Efficiency: An Investment in the Future 

Sustainable energy development comprises the dual components of renewable energy and energy efficiency. While the world is…

Namibia Seeks Energy Independence

Namibia plans to exit Eskom. The country has spent nearly N$3 billion to import energy from…

Clean Energy; A Gateway to Global Economic Recovery

Following the devastating effects of climate change,  and the need to divest from pollution-causing sources, the…

What is the cheapest way to cut carbon?

In the trendier parts of Berlin, cargo bikes are the rage. Locals use the bicycles, which…