Hong Kong to Become China’s Platform for Hydrogen Vehicles

Hong Kong will seek to become China’s platform for developing hydrogen under new plans that will…

Impact of Battery as a Service on Power Industry Dynamics in Nigeria

Nigeria’s power sector faces numerous challenges, from inadequate generation capacity and unreliable distribution infrastructure. Despite being rich in natural…

US Awards $6 Billion to Subsidised Industrial Emissions Reduction Projects

The US Energy Department has provided $6 billion in federal funding to subsidise 33 industrial projects…

EU Pushes for Charges on Shipping Sector’s Emissions

The European Union, Canada, Japan and climate-vulnerable Pacific Island states are among 47 countries pushing support…

Impact of Climate Change on Man 

Climate change is a result of the long-term alteration of the earth’s climate system, driven by…

China Releases New Regulations to Curb Emissions Data Fraud

China has released new regulations to improve the regulation of carbon trading and crack down on…

World Bank Grants Iberdrola €300m to Develop Renewable Projects

The World Bank’s private sector investment arm, the International Finance Corporation (IFC), has granted Iberdrola, a…

GREEN HYDROGEN: The Emerging Energy Force

Energy is a necessity for every thriving economy. In recent times, global governments have prioritised the…

Stakeholders Urge Action on Methane Emissions at COP28

Delegates at COP28 seek urgent action on methane emissions, the second-most significant greenhouse gas. Over 150…

GHGSat’s Vanguard Satellite Monitors Carbon Emissions

Canadian company GHGSat successfully launched Vanguard. It is a satellite detecting carbon emissions from individual facilities…