South Africa Pushes 3GW Gas Power to Tackle Energy Deficit

South Africa is tackling its energy deficit with a swift move towards 3 gigawatts (GW) of…

Agencies Win Award for Attracting Investment in Energy Transition

Ten investment promotion agencies and special economic zones won the annual United Nations Investment Promotion Awards…

SEPLAT to Lead Energy Discuss at Africa Oil Week

Seplat Energy PLC would lead discussions around energy transition, energy security, and gas development in Africa…

Germany, US Allocate Funding for Renewable Energy in Africa

Germany pledges €40 million to the African Development Bank's Sustainable Energy Fund to support renewable energy…

G20 Nations Embrace IRENA Recommendations to Boost Clean Energy Investment

The leaders who attended the G20 Summit reached an agreement with the recommendations put forth by…


The use of social media can never be overemphasised; billions of people around the world use…

Clean Energy Must Increase By 70%, Says Boston Group

Boston Consulting Group (BCG) has said the proportion of clean energy in the global energy supply…

Energy Experts Supports Nigeria’s Energy Landscape Reforms

Renewable energy experts have pledged their support for the significant transformation of the renewable energy sector,…

India to Exceed 500GW Renewable Energy By 2030

The anticipated decline in battery prices by 2025 would drive India to achieve and exceed its…

Global Energy Crisis Demands for Natural Gas

In its global gas security review, IEA noted that the crisis has reshaped natural gas markets,…