AfDB Supports Mozambique to Boost RE

AfDB has approved a grant of $2.5 million to the Mozambican government. The fund will include…

Cerulean Winds to Deploy Floating Turbines for UK Oil and Gas Field

Offshore oil and gas facility to be supported by floating wind Turbines. Between £80 to £100…

Meeting Nigeria’s Electricity Needs: Is Nuclear an Option?

The twin challenge of meeting the rising energy demand of a growing population while having to…

Nordex Reveals Orders for Mega Wind Projects

Received orders to deliver hardware for 59 MW of wind projects. The agreement includes service and…

WiSolar to Create Mobile App for Solar Electricity Purchase

WiSolar is to create an app for solar electricity purchases. Tonye Irims, WiSolar’s chief executive officer,…

BOEM Initiates Maryland’s First Offshore Wind Project

BOEM begins the environmental process for LLC’s offshore wind project. The project could result in a…

Overview of the Proposed Electricity Bill and Its Impact on the Nigerian Power Sector

Introduction The Electric Power Sector Reform (EPSR) Act, enacted in 2005, created the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory…

Turning a New Leaf

With each passing day, countries are taking more action towards turning a new leaf in their…

Why are Investors Divesting from Fossil Fuels?

  Fossil fuels are non-renewable energy fuels formed from the anaerobic decomposition of organic matter over…

NDPHC to Partner with Ministry to Develop Small Hydro

NDPHC intends to partner with the Ministry of Water Resources to develop small hydropower. The majority…