Adoption of Clean Energy Technologies in Nigeria: Barriers and Solutions

Clean energy technology could be referred to as an umbrella term for producing power without having…

Morocco to Support EU’s Energy Transition

The European Union plans to sign a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Morocco on the supply…

AfDB Launches African Green Bank Initiative

The African Development Bank has launched a new initiative to promote resilient, green and sustainable growth.…

AllianzGI, EIB Announces $100m for RE Investment

Allianz Global Investors and EIB announce a combined $100 million fund for renewable energy projects. The…

InfraCredit to Support Nigeria with Clean Energy Investments

InfraCredit announces £10 million co-financing arrangement with FCDO The project will electrify about 7,711 unserved households…

COP 27 -Daily Updates

Day 10-  Climate and Biodiversity: The 1.5°C window. The 10th day of the COP27 forum, themed…

Africa Needs $190 Billion of Investment to Drive Energy Access

Over 600 million Africans have no access to electricity. Africa needs $190 billion of investment a…

EM-ONE to Deliver Reliable Power for University of Abuja

EM-ONE will design and build an advanced microgrid at the University of Abuja. This project will…

AfDB Plans $1.5bn Green Facility To Meet Demand In Africa

AFDB to set up a $1.5 billion green finance facility. The fund aims to encourage investment…

ECN Leverages to Reposition Nigeria as the RE hub

Energy Commission on Nigeria should leverage available resources to reposition Nigeria as the hub for renewable…