Seedstars and the Shell Foundation Finance Green African Startups

  • Swiss company Seedstars Consultancy and the Shell Foundation have launched a programme aimed at young African start-ups.
  • The programme will focus on companies that are dedicated to providing universal access to energy, sustainable transportation services and sustainable agriculture development.
  • Applications for this programme will close on the 20th of December 2020.

Swiss company Seedstars Consultancy and the Shell Foundation have launched the Energy and Mobility Innovation Programme aimed at young African start-ups offering eco-friendly products and services. Young African based and African led companies with remarkable success in sustainable energy, sustainable agriculture and sustainable transport stand to benefit from this programme.

This three-month programme will provide entrepreneurs with one-to-one mentoring with industry experts and potential financing opportunities. It will enable them to take advantage of the human resources and knowledgebase of the Shell Foundation.

The programme will focus on companies that are dedicated to providing universal access to energy (domestic energy for heating, lighting and cooking, and energy for business, produced from renewable sources). For companies engaged in sustainable mobility and transport, the focus will be on companies offering clean transportation options in rural areas. For sustainable agriculture development, the focus will be on innovations on access to knowledge, finance, markets or knowledge for smallholder farmers.

Selection for the programme will make companies eligible for Seedstars’ investment readiness programme.

Applications for this programme will close on the 20th of December 2020.

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