SEforALL Releases New Business Plan to Achieve Universal Energy Access

  • The SEforALL has released a  new three-year business plan to achieve the SDG7 by 2030.

  • The business plan follows the organisation’s implementation strategy introduced by CEO Damilola Ogunbiyi.
  • The new strategy will prioritize data-driven decision-making, partnerships with high-impact countries and implementation on the ground.

To meet the 2030 Sustainable Development Goal 7 (SDG7) and get countries on track to meet their Paris Agreement climate target, the Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL) has released a three-year business plan to accelerate sustainable energy for development and energy transitions.

SEforALL is hopeful that with ambitious actions, SDG7 can be achieved by 2030. Still, the next few years are critical if energy access is to be increased, inclusive and equitable, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. The organisation has released a new business plan that expresses its desire to meet its vision and achieve universal access by 2030. The business plan follows the organisation’s new strategy introduced by Damilola Ogunbiyi, CEO and Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Sustainable Energy for All and Co-Chair of UN-Energy, who took over the reins at SEforALL at the start of 2020.

Speaking on the release of the business plan, she said: “As we embark on the final decade for achieving SDG7, we must expand beyond advocacy to action. We call on other organizations to do the same.  The COVID-19 pandemic has brought unparalleled economic, political and social challenges. The crisis has also clearly shown that energy access saves lives. We now have an opportunity to not only recover better by investing in sustainable energy to help advance energy access, but also support progress on the other SDGs and the Paris Agreement while building a more resilient, inclusive global economy. This ambitious three-year plan is our commitment to helping deliver sustainable energy for all by 2030.”  

Under this new plan, SEforALL has strategically chosen to strengthen global agenda-setting while expanding its activities to an engagement model that prioritizes data-driven decision-making, partnerships with high-impact countries and implementation on the ground.

SEforALL will focus on driving impact in key areas, including:

  • Securing and tracking new commitments from countries and companies through ‘energy compacts’ to meet SDG7 and energy transitions.
  • Accelerating the adoption of best-in-class integrated energy plans and policy and regulatory frameworks to guide efforts and drive investment in the sustainable energy sector.
  • Ensuring that scaled-up and appropriate finance is flowing towards sustainable energy and energy access, including continuing to track and report on finance flows annually through the Energizing Finance research series.
  • Supporting a significant increase in the pace of new energy connections, including implementing a new results-based financing facility in partnership with donors, and supporting sustainable energy for healthcare facilities.
  • Mainstreaming inclusive and gender-sensitive action on energy, including supporting more women entering and advancing in the sustainable energy sector.

Read the three-year business plan fully here and follow SEforALL on Twitter for all the latest news and updates.

Business Plan at a glance

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