Senegal to Strengthen Cooperation on Gas Production

The Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF), a platform of leading gas-producing nations recently held a virtual meeting with Senegal’s Minister of Petroleum and Energy. The GECF seeks to pave the way for strengthened cooperation with the gas-rich country.

In his opening remarks, GECF Secretary-General, Yury Sentyurin in his opening remarks said, “Your esteemed country has succeeded in fast-tracking its oil and gas developments, despite recent uncertainty caused by COVID-19, establishing itself as West Africa’s leader in the energy transition,”. He added The GECF completely shares the vision of natural gas as the fuel of choice, due to the inherent environmentally friendly nature of the resource, its affordability, reliability, and flexibility, which is essential in ensuring economic development and social progress”.

In her response, the Minister of Petroleum and Energy, Aissatou Sophie Gladima welcomed the cooperation of the GECF. She, however, reiterated the mandate of the Ministry to reserve gas for the electricity sector. She noted that the reservation of gas for the electricity sector will serve to reduce electricity tariffs in the coming years.

Although Senegal is home to rich gas reserves, it has not begun the production of gas. It is expected to begin the development of its gas sector in 2023 with the Great Tortue project in the north of the country and two other projects in the South.

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