SIERRA LEONE: Community Angered by Persistent Outages

Residents of Sorie town in Sierra Leone have decried the persistent power outage and low voltage in the area. The lack of reliable supply has impacted the livelihood of the residents who say there have been no efforts in fixing the problems.

”My entire livelihood depends on electricity supply because I have two freezers which I use to refrigerate water and different kinds of drinks for sale from which I pay my rent, feed my five kids, and address every other financial matter for my kids and myself. This continuous blackout is killing me slowly”, Ms Fanta Koroma, a resident of the town, said.

Another resident, Thomas Munda, lamented the impact of the poor supply on water availability and questioned President Bio’s efforts in providing a stable electricity supply in Freetown. “Power outage is tantamount to water shortage in our community. President Bio’s claim of generating sufficient electricity supply in Freetown is very confusing because the opposite is happening to us in this community”, he said.

The Electricity Distribution and Supply Authority (EDSA) has blamed the  low voltage and outages on weak transmission infrastructure and overloaded distribution transformers in the area.

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