Sierra Leone: Residents Forced into Darkness as Government Fails to Pay its Debt

  • Freetown returns to darkness as Govt. fails to pay for electricity
  • The government owes Karpowership over $50 million in debt.

Sierra Leone’s capital – Freetown, has reclaimed its title as the darkest city on the planet following the cut in electricity supply. On Monday, the Turkish ocean power-generating ship that provides electricity for much of the country turned off the lights in uproar at not being paid by the government.

According to the Sierra Leone Telegraph, the Bio-led government owes Karpowership – the Turkish owned electricity generating company over $50 million in unpaid electricity bills.

In October, Sierra Leone’s minister of energy and his team arrived in Turkey to negotiate a payment plan with the company. Still, the Bio-led government has failed to honour its promise to make the payments, prompting Karpowership to turn the power off, leaving millions of people and businesses in darkness.

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