Solar Mini-Grids Get Digitalisation Boost in Benin

The US Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) has announced grant funding for technical assistance to help Sherlock Grids SAS expand and improve clean energy access in rural communities in Benin.

Sherlock Grids SAS is a special purpose vehicle created in Benin by mini-grid operator Power-On and France-based independent power producer, Akuo.

Enoh T Ebong, USTDA acting director, said the project embodies its commitment to deploying innovative solutions that connect more of Africa’s citizens to clean, reliable power. “By leveraging US technologies, USTDA’s engagement will help attenuate the climate crises while supporting Benin’s goal of universal electrification through solar power.”

Sherlock Grids will work with Washington, DC-based technology provider SparkMeter to analyse the feasibility of bringing solar-powered mini-grids online for thousands in Benin.

The project aims to demonstrate the benefits of implementing a digitalised system to fully integrate and remotely manage multiple mini-grids. The system will consist of smart meters, digital models of the mini-grid and their distribution networks and software for real-time outage management, asset management and planning.

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