Solarpack Signs Two PPAs for Solar Plants in Spain

  • The Solarpack signed power purchase agreements (PPAs) are in Cáceres and Cuenca.
  • The solar plants will actively aid the country’s efforts to meet its climate and renewable energy objectives.

Solarpack has closed two power purchase agreements (PPAs) for two solar photovoltaic plants in Spain, which will generate 475 GWh of clean energy yearly during the duration of the PPAs. The two PPAs signed with a global utility for the Pizarroso project, located in Cáceres (Extremadura) and Valkyria in Cuenca (Castilla-La Mancha), are already in operation.

The solar photovoltaic plant, which covers 91 hectares, generates around 95 GWh annually. It will avoid more than 2,000,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions during its lifetime, providing electricity to the annual consumption of 27,000 homes. The Valkyria photovoltaic park generates around 300 GWh annually, equivalent to the yearly consumption of more than 62,000 homes. The generation pledged under this contract will avoid more than 155,200 tonnes of CO2.

Iván Nieto, Solarpack’s Chief Commercial Officer, said, “With the signing of these PPAs, Solarpack is taking a significant step towards reducing carbon emissions and advancing a more sustainable energy model in Spain. The solar plants will actively contribute to generating clean energy, aiding the country’s efforts to meet its climate and renewable energy objectives.” Solarpack has 14 photovoltaic plants in Spain, with 495 MW of installed capacity. The company’s complete project portfolio is over 14,000 MW.

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