Some Safety Precautions for the Electrical Drawbacks of Rainy Seasons

It is common knowledge that the rainy season comes with many unforeseeable events, hence ensuring safety measures (Learn more). For some days now, we’ve experienced heavy downpours in several parts of Nigeria. Some led to the destruction of properties; there have been cases of fallen electric poles, sparks and blow-ups of transformers, and electric shocks in some areas.

This article aims to provide some safety measures and precautions to guard against electrical accidents. Here are some useful tips:

• Avoid staying beside or below electrical installations during rainfall or storm.

• When you are drained with water, or your hands are wet, do not touch any electrical installation. Get dried first before you do.

• Steer clear of electrical gadgets with exposed connections, particularly when it is raining.

• Keep away from metal doors and window frames during lightning. The lightning could strike a metal door and conduct electricity.

• Do not stay close to fallen electric poles or power lines in contact with water

• Avoid driving over fallen power lines

• Try not to seek refuge in any structure under power lines during strong wind or rainfall.

• Whenever there is a heavy downpour, avoid parking your vehicles close to an electrical structure.

• Do not touch any vandalised electric structure.

• Fix all damaged sockets that have exposed connections.

• Avoid using landlines during lightning storms because it is connected to an outside wire, and lightning can pass through the wire to the phone.

• Steer clear of outdoor electrical tasks during rainfall.

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