SOUTH AFRICA: Cape Town Residents Protest High Electricity Tariffs

  • Cape Town residents protest high electricity tariffs
  • Picket Eskom office building in Cape Town
  • Ask Eskom to decrease tariffs

Residents of Cape Town and members of the Equal Rights Forum have protested the high electricity tariffs while picketing Eskom’s office building in Cape Town. According to the Chairperson of the Equal Rights Forum, Tulani Pike, the electricity prices in Western Cape are unreasonably high and unaffordable to residents.

“We want Eskom and the City of Cape Town to decrease these tariffs,” Pike said. “The City of Cape Town increased the electricity tariff by more than 13.48%, which is more than the inflation rate. However, the Congress of South African Trade Unions agreed on a 1.5% salary increase,” Pike added.

Equal Rights Forum activist Noluthando Jack called on the arms of the government to intervene on the escalating tariff. ”This march is calling for Eskom, the City and the national government to do something because all three are responsible for these high tariffs, and we want them to come up with a solution that suits all South Africans, not only the rich. We will march every Thursday until there is justice for all.” Jack said.

Eskom has, however, maintained, it increased the tariffs in line with the approval from the National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA) ”When NERSA makes its electricity price decisions, it considers various factors, including affordability, impact on the economy and the sustainability of Eskom. With regards to the Municipalities, NERSA also approves the price increases that could be charged to its customers.” Eskom said.

The City of Cape Town has also explained the tariff debacle saying ”Eskom has implemented a massive 17,8% increase. The City must buy its electricity from Eskom, and now it costs 17,8% more,” Member for Finance, Ian Neilson said. He also stated that residents struggling to make payments should approach the city for assistance.

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