SOUTH AFRICA: Couple Electrocuted in Johnnesburg

  • Couple electrocuted 10 days after their wedding
  • Residents report shower shocks
  • City Power institutes investigation

In Crosby, Johannesburg, a newly wedded couple met an untimely death barely ten days following their nuptials. The couple, Zaheer Sarang and Nabeela Khan, were sadly electrocuted in their home. According to the parents of Zaheer, the couple had just returned from their honeymoon when the sad incident occurred. The parents believe Nabeela was electrocuted while taking a shower, and Zaheer, who tried to rescue her, was electrocuted in the process. The deceased family stated that they had reported incidents of shocks when they used their taps to City Power.

Residents of Johannesburg have also reported incidents of shower shocks as the city grapples with a near grid collapse. Chief Executive Officer (CEO) City Power Mongezi Ntsokolo has begun investigating the sad incident just as the South Africa Police Service launched an inquest into the deaths.

The couple were buried in a joint funeral over the weekend.

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