SOUTH AFRICA: Electricity Installations Targeted as Police Put on Alert


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  • Electrical installations targeted in the planned nationwide shutdown
  • Law enforcement agencies put on high alert

The new wave of unrest in South Africa (SA) has put the South African Police Service (SAPS) on Alert. The SAPS have been deployed amid rumours of a nationwide shutdown with electricity installations targeted.

According to News24, Union Buildings, SABC and highways as well as water, fuel and electricity installations are believed to be possible targets of the unrest. In addition, more than 2 800 police officers will be deployed, alongside 470 SA National Defence Force members and various other law enforcement agencies.

Law enforcement agencies are monitoring the unrest, which is carried on under the “Ramaphosa Must Fall” campaign. Last month, the country witnessed nationwide unrest that left 300 people dead and several businesses looted and destroyed.

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