SOUTH AFRICA: Eskom Applies for a 20.5% Increase in Electricity Tariffs

  • Eskom applies for tariff increase
  • Requests for a 20.5% increase in tariffs
  • NERSA to decide by February 2022

Following the decision of a South African High Court, the state-owned electric utility, Eskom, has applied for an increase in electricity tariffs. Confirming the development, the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Calib Cassim stated that Eskom has applied for an electricity price increase of 20.5% for the 2023 financial year.

The National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA) announced earlier that the electric utility applied for a tariff of R279 billion for 2022/23, R335 billion for 2023/24, and R365 billion for the 2024/25 financial years.

“The recent High Court judgement requires Nersa to process this MYPD 5 revenue application for the Financial Year 2023. The remaining two years’ application is still the subject of a court review application. This is referred to as the Part B of the review application.” Eskom said in a statement.

NERSA announced it will decide on the tariff application by February 2022.

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