SOUTH AFRICA: Mining Industry to Gradually Transition from Coal

  • South Africa’s mining industry to gradually transition from coal
  • Coal accounts for 82% of power generated in South Africa

The mining industry in South Africa will support a gradual transition from the use of coal for electricity generation so long as it is done in a responsible manner. In a presentation to the Presidential Climate Change Coordinating Commission (PCCC), the Chief executive officer (CEO) Minerals Council South Africa, Roger Baxter, supported the transition to a low-carbon economy.

”This energy and associated energy-intensive complex helped to develop the most industrialized country in Africa,” Baxter said. ”We support the transition to a low-carbon economy and society – contingent on doing it judiciously and systemically,” he added.

Baxter further noted that coal which accounts for 82% of the electricity generated in South Africa, has contributed to the development of other sectors of the economy. However, experts also warned that a transition from coal will cost South Africa at least 12,000 jobs by 2030.

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