SOUTH AFRICA: NERSA Opposes Eskom High Court Tariff Application

  • NERSA will oppose Eskom’s High Court applicationĀ 
  • Eskom asks court to set aside NERSA decision to deny its MYPD5 application

The Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA) has stated that it will oppose the application filed by the state-owned power utility Eskom at the High Court. Eskom had in October filed an application at the High Court seeking a review of the decision by NERSA rejecting its Multi-Year Price Determination 5 (MYPD5) tariff application.

Eskom had filed a tariff review for 2022, 2023, and 2024 financial years using the MYPD4 template, which according to NERSA, would expire in March 2022. NERSA rejected Eskom’s application and asked the utility to submit a new application for the 2022 financial year using a yet to be approved tariff methodology. NERSA is currently carrying out consultations on the proposed MYPD5 methodology.

”In arriving at the decision to oppose the application, Nersa considered the factual matrix, applicable regulatory and legal principles involved and whether we have a defendable case against the allegations,” NERSA said in a statement.

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