South Africa: Nuclear Energy Key to Zero Emissions – Minister

  • Nuclear energy remains Key component in South Africa’s clean energy transition
  • 25 companies have indicated an interest in investing in nuclear energy

Deputy Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy, Dr Nobuhle Nkabane, says nuclear energy remains a key component in South Africa’s aim for cleaner energy consumption.

She spoke during the 65th general conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) General Conference held in Austria.

“In line with the nuclear energy policy, as we embark on the Just Energy Transition in South Africa, we recognise that nuclear plays a pivotal role as one of the clean energy sources that are needed to achieve Net-Zero Emissions by 2050.

In June 2020, South Africa issued a Request for Information to test the market appetite for the 2500MW of nuclear energy and received positive responses from 25 companies that showed an interest in this programme,” she said.

Following the request for information for the nuclear power generation programme, the department is now on track to complete the procurement process within the next two years.


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