Southwest in Darkness Despite FG’s Claims of Electricity Investments

  • Numerous communities in the southwest continue to be in darkness
  • This suffering is despite claims by the government of investments in electricity infrastructure
  • Contractor allegedly responsible for some contracts not found

Southwestern communities in the country have been and continue to be in darkness. Residents in some of these communities say that for years they have not gotten more than five hours of electricity supply in a day.

When visited, these residents said they had no knowledge of electricity infrastructure being installed in their communities. This ongoing hardship faced by these communities is despite the federal government’s claims to have made huge investments in electricity infrastructure across the country.

In a particular case, the contract to supply eight transformers to Ibadan communities was awarded to Lastak Nigeria Limited. However, the address and name provided have since not been found. Is there foul play in the paperwork of electricity infrastructure contracts?

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