Spanish Company to Build Mega Wind Farm

  • Greenalia plans to build a 50 MW wind farm.
  • Farm expected to generate more than 144,128 Mwh per year.

Greenalia, a Spanish forestry and energy group, has revealed its plans to build a 50 MW wind farm in the home region of Galicia, Spain. The announcement became public when Greenalia’s project proposal entered the public consultation stage.

Over EUR 37 million will be invested in building the Rodicio wind farm by  Greenalia. The municipalities of Maceda and Montederrano in Ourense province will host the project.

In Rodicio, 12 wind turbines with a 4.2 MW capacity will be installed. The turbines will have a hub height of 107 metres and 150 metres in rotor diameter. Upon commencing operations, the farm is expected to generate more than 144,128 Mwh per year. This output is enough to power about 41,000 homes, according to Greenalia.

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