Sun Africa, Angolan Government Sign Agreement for Water and Solar Systems Installation

  • The Angolan government and Sun Africa have signed a deal to install water and solar systems in the country’s south.
  • Sun Africa plans to invest $1.5bn in 5 southern provinces.

American Company Sun Africa and the Angolan government have reached an agreement to invest $1.5 billion in the southern part of Angola. The funds will enable the installation of drinking water supply systems in the region. Sun Africa will invest in the southern provinces of Cunene, Namibe, Cuando Cubango and Huíla. The company plans to raise funds for its projects from the U.S. Export Credit Agency (US Eximbank).

Sun Africa also plans to use part of the funds to deploy solar PV systems in southern Angola’s municipal headquarters and major municipalities. According to the Angolan Minister of Energy and Water, João Baptista Borges, “the electrification of Angola will be done either by conventional solutions, with the extension of lines and the construction of substations, or by using solar energy.” Angola currently has electricity access of 45 per cent, with the rate for rural areas at an abysmal 6 per cent.

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