Sunlight Can Produce Energy and Clean Water Simultaneously

The generation of energy for electricity and the provision of clean water are linked in several ways. The world needs both resources abundantly to function optimally. But the advent of electricity generation through hydropower plant has left a little amount of water consumable.

In the U.S for example, the thermoelectric power plants consume about 170 billion gallons of fresh water daily from rivers and lakes. Up to 6 billion gallons of that water is used up hence not being returned to the environment. Continuing at this rate will mean the scarcity of water and its resources which will be very detrimental.

This situation fostered research among scientists in Saudi Arabia to devise a way to obtain a win-win solution (electricity and clean water). A team of researchers came up with a device that could transform an electricity plant from a water consumer to a water producer.

This device is an improved solar panel that produces power as well as desalinating water.  Instead of a regular solar panel device, this model has a distiller on the back of its solar cell.

How it works.

When the rays of the sun strike the cell, it produces electricity and releases heat like the regular panel.  Normally the heat released is sent into the atmosphere. However, this device directs it to the distiller which uses heat as energy to power the desalination process.

This process in the simplest of terms converts seawater into vapour and is passed through a membrane that filters out contaminant including salt. So, the liquid that is condensed out will be clean fresh water.

Sounds interesting! We acquire amazing benefits from the sun’s energy. If this technology is adopted worldwide, it will be a lifesaver solution for some of the world’s most vulnerable. There would be access to safe drinking water and the electricity generated through these solar panels would also be accessible.

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