Switzerland Prepares Solar Auction for National Areas

  • Switzerland is preparing to provide spaces for solar panel installation.
  • FEDRO hopes to realize the projected 55 GWh annual potential.

Switzerland is preparing to offer spaces along national roads for installing solar panels in a tender at the end of 2022. This comes after the federal council adopted legal reforms allowing free green power generation in such places.

The FEDRO-owned land is now feasible for auctioning owing to the approved changes by the federal council of Switzerland to the National Roads Ordinance (NSV) that permits third parties to use these regions to produce green power. The new laws, which go into effect on October 1, 2022, allow for installing renewable energy sources like wind and geothermal energy in addition to solar power.

The federal council stated that rest places and noise barriers are included in the lots that the Federal Roads Office (FEDRO) will offer. The authority already generates electricity on the land around tunnels and at service locations to fulfil its needs.

With the anticipated tender, FEDRO hopes to realize the projected 55 GWh annual potential of the remaining plots along Swiss roadways.

At the end of this year, interested parties can submit applications for lots. If their application is accepted, the winners will be required to build a solar plant within a defined timeframe and sell the system’s electricity independently.


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