Sengi Solar Plans Green Hydrogen Plant in Parana

The state of Parana in Brazil has inked a contract with the Brazilian solar panel manufacturer…

Vestas Secures 1.3 GW Wind Turbine Order in Brazil

Wind turbine manufacturer Vestas has secured its largest onshore wind turbine order, a 1.3 GW deal…

Brazil Retains 10% Biodiesel Blend Till March

The mandatory blend of biodiesel in diesel will be kept at 10% until Mar. 31, 2023.…

Vestas Wind System Receives 423MW Wind Farm Project in Brazil

Pan American Energy Energias Renovaveis awards Vestas Wind System  423MW wind farm project. The wind farm…

Firm to Construct 33.4MWp for Origo Energia

Shizen Energy Inc agrees to build 33.4 MWp of solar power capacity for Origo Energia. FazSol will…

Voltalia Sells Minority Stake of a 320MW Solar Project in Brazil

Voltalia has offloaded a 33% equity stake in a 320MW solar PV project in Brazil. SSM1&2…

Brazil Increases Renewable Energy Production Capacity

Brazil adds 464.57MW of renewable energy production to its installed capacity. Plans to add a further…

Brazil Attains 14GW of Installed Solar Capacity- ABSOLAR

Brazil has reached a cumulative solar capacity of 14GW. Distributed generation installations take the lead with…

344MW of Wind Farms to Begin Operation in Brazil

Wind farms account for 11.55 per cent of Brazil’s total installed capacity. Brazil issues a permit…

Brazi’s Wind Capacity Passes 21GW

Brazil’s total wind capacity is now 21GW.  Wind makes up 11.5% of the total energy mix. …