Montenegro Set to Launch Net Metering Scheme for Rooftop PV

Montenegro has launched a net metering scheme. The project is expected to increase the deployment of…

China to Implement Pilot Rooftop PV Programme

China is looking to enact a pilot policy to increase rooftop solar adoption. The NEA will…

Germany Installed 403MW of Solar in May

Germany added 403.1MW of new solar PV capacity in May. This represents a 33 per cent…

All New buildings in Berlin Must Install Rooftop Solar from 2023

New city law requires new buildings to install rooftop solar PV systems by 2023. Systems must…

Amazon Set to Add 1.4GW of Wind and Solar Capacity

Amazon has signed deals to purchase clean energy from nine wind and solar projects set to…

Shoprite Scale-Up Rooftop Solar PV Project

Shoprite now generates 12300 MWh of electricity annually from rooftop solar PV at 19 of its…