Deutsche Telekom Signs VPPA for Romanian Wind Farm

Deutsche Telekom AG’s European units have committed to buying power from a 192-MW wind farm in…

Egypt Boosts Wind Power: 8 GW Deployment Underway

Egypt progresses with 8 GW wind power deployment as Scatec and Engie secure land in Sohag.…

Cabeolica Expands Wind Power in Santiago, Cape Verde

Cape Verde boosts its renewable energy with Cabeolica’s expansion on Santiago. The $50 million project will…

Netherlands to Construct 500MW Offshore Green Hydrogen Facility

The Dutch government recently said it aims to build a large production facility to convert wind…

Maine PUC Approve Wind Power, Transmission Projects

Maine Public Utilities Commission approves energy projects for up to 900,000 homes. The net cost of…

344MW of Wind Farms to Begin Operation in Brazil

Wind farms account for 11.55 per cent of Brazil’s total installed capacity. Brazil issues a permit…

ACWA Power to Deploy 240MW Wind Farm in Azerbaijan

ACWA Power will install the first and largest foreign investment in Azerbaijan renewable energy sector. The…

The Four Shades of Off-Grid Technologies

The ongoing challenges surrounding the supply and distribution of electricity in Nigeria call for immediate solutions,…

Is Africa Meeting up with Clean Energy Transition?

Across the world, countries and organisations are making clean energy transitions. These aim to reduce dependence…